With the temperatures rising high,it has become very difficult to stay on top floors with the maximum heat travelling inside the concrete structures. The air conditioning becomes ineffective at these high temperatures. We have been continuosly putting in efforts to bring awareness in the minds of the customers to go in for thermal insulations to reduce global warming by curtailing down the usage of the aur conditioners to the minimum & keep the building cool using such practices. The various methods of thermal insulations are mentioned hereunder:

Vermiculite is a natural mineral are that expands with ther applications of heat. It has proved to be the best in its class thermal insulation material & the most economical one. It reduces the room temperature underneath by 8 degrees celcius to 10 degrees celcius in a thickness if 2 inches.
XPS is an extruded polystyrene insulation manufactured through a plastic extrusion process. The reduction in room temperature varies from 6 C to 7 C

PUF Insulation
We provide polyurethane insulation as a liquid sprayed foam. The thermal conductivity in this case varies in terms of thickness of the application & the base surface. This is Produced with a non- CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) gas as the foaming agent which is less destructive to the ozone layer. The density is generally 32.0kg/m3.
Light Weight Concerting
Light weight concrete commonly known as foam concrete can be defined as cemenutious material consisting of 20% of foam that is mechanically entrained into the plastic mortar. The density may vary from 400-1600 kg./m. This is also used for filling sunken structures and for insulation purpose.

Reflective Paints:
The most economical way of insulations is reflective paints based on the concept of reflection of heat. This method involves the use of specially formulated fibre rich low heat absorption materials which are brush applied or sprayed depending on the viscosity on the roof tops. Suitable for RRC, Metal, & PC roofs. The reduction in room temperature varies from 2 C to4 C.
External/Internal coatings
It is normally see that the exterior / interior paints have a problem of the life of the product. We specialize in providing Nano Technology coatings which can give a waterproof, Heat Proof & Dust Proof exterior wall surface which lasts for years & that too at affordable costs. Our internal coatings can easily be washed with the hardest cleaning agents & are specially recommended for parking areas, staircases, shafts,etc.